Although this text tends to focus on SDLC, the most widely used approach in practice, at times the analyst will recognize that the organization could benefit from an alternative approach. Perhaps a systems project using a structured approach has recently failed, or perhaps the organizational subcultures, composed of several different user groups, seem more in step with an alternative method. We cannot do justice to these methods in a small space; each deserves and has inspired its own books and research. By mentioning these approaches here, however, we hope to help you become aware that under certain circumstances, your organization may want to consider an alternative or supplement to structured analysis and design and to the SDLC.
The agile approach is a software development approach based on values, principles, and core practices. The four values are communication, simplicity, feedback, and courage. We recommend that systems analysts adopt these values in all projects they undertake, not just when adopting the agile approach.
In order to finish a project, adjustments often need to be made in project management. In Chapter 6 we will see that agile methods can ensure successful completion of a project by adjusting the important resources of time, cost, quality, and scope. When these four control variables are properly included in the planning, there is a state of balance between the resources and the activities needed to complete the project.
Taking development practices to the extreme is most noticeable when one pursues practices that are unique to agile development. In Chapter 6 we discuss four core agile practices: short releases, the 40-hour workweek, hosting an onsite customer, and using pair programming. At first glance these practices appear extreme, but as you will see, we can learn some important lessons from incorporating many of the values and practices of the agile approach into systems analysis and design projects.
Developmental Process for an Agile Project
There are activities and behaviors that shape the way development team members and customers act during the development of an agile project. Two words that characterize a project done with an agile approach are interactive and incremental. By examining the figure below we can see that there are five distinct stages: exploration, planning, iterations to the first release, productionizing, and maintenance. Notice that the three red arrows that loop back into the “Iterations” box symbolize incremental changes created through repeated testing and feedback that eventually lead to a stable but evolving system. Also note that there are multiple looping arrows that feed back into the productionizing phase. These symbolize that the pace of iterations is increased after a product is released. The red arrow is shown leaving the maintenance stage and returning to the planning stage, so that there is a continuous feedback loop involving customers and the development team as they agree to alter the evolving system.

The five stages of the agile modeling development process show that frequent iterations are essential to successful system development.
During exploration, you will explore your environment, asserting your conviction that the problem can and should be approached with agile development, assemble the team, and assess team member skills. This stage will take anywhere from a few weeks (if you already know your team members and technology) to a few months (if everything is new). You also will be actively examining potential technologies needed to build the new system. During this stage you should practice estimating the time needed for a variety of tasks. In exploration, customers also are experimenting with writing user stories. The point is to get the customer to refine a story enough so that you can competently estimate the amount of time it will take to build the solution into the system you are planning. This stage is all about adopting a playful and curious attitude toward the work environment, its problems, technologies, and people.
The next stage of the agile development process is called planning. In contrast to the first stage, planning may only take a few days to accomplish. In this stage you and your customers agree on a date anywhere from two months to half a year from the current date to deliver solutions to their most pressing business problems (you will be addressing the smallest, most valuable set of stories). If your exploration activities were sufficient, this stage should be very short.
The entire agile planning process has been characterized using the idea of a planning game as devised by Beck. The planning game spells out rules that can help formulate the agile development team’s relationship with their business customers. Although the rules form an idea of how you want each party to act during development, they are not meant as a replacement for a relationship. They are a basis for building and maintaining a relationship.
So, we use the metaphor of a game. To that end we talk in terms of the goal of the game, the strategy to pursue, the pieces to move, and the players involved. The goal of the game is to maximize the value of the system produced by the agile team. In order to figure the value, you have to deduct costs of development, and the time, expense, and uncertainty taken on so that the development project could go forward.
The strategy pursued by the agile development team is always one of limiting uncertainty (downplaying risk). To do that they design the simplest solution possible, put the system into production as soon as possible, get feedback from the business customer about what’s working, and adapt their design from there.
Story cards become the pieces in the planning game that briefly describe the task, provide notes, and provide an area for task tracking.
There are two main players in the planning game: the development team and the business customer. Deciding which business group in particular will be the business customer is not always easy, because the agile process is an unusually demanding role for the customer to play. Customers decide what the development team should tackle first. Their decisions will set priorities and check functionalities throughout the process.
The third stage in the agile development process is composed of iterations to the first release. Typically these are iterations (cycles of testing, feedback, and change) of about three weeks in duration. You will be pushing yourself to sketch out the entire architecture of the system, even though it is just in outline or skeletal form. One goal is to run customer-written functional tests at the end of each iteration. During the iterations stage you should also question whether the schedule needs to be altered or whether you are tackling too many stories. Make small rituals out of each successful iteration, involving customers as well as developers. Always celebrate your progress, even if it is small, because this is part of the culture of motivating everyone to work extremely hard on the project.
Several activities occur during this phase. In this phase the feedback cycle speeds up so that rather than receiving feedback for an iteration every three weeks, software revisions are being turned around in one week. You may institute daily briefings so everyone knows what everyone else is doing. The product is released in this phase, but may be improved by adding other features. Getting a system into production is an exciting event. Make time to celebrate with your teammates and mark the occasion. One of the watchwords of the agile approach, with which we heartily agree, is that it is supposed to be fun to develop systems!
Once the system has been released, it needs to be kept running smoothly. New features may be added, riskier customer suggestions may be considered, and team members may be rotated on or off the team. The attitude you take at this point in the developmental process is more conservative than at any other time. You are now in a “keeper of the flame” mode rather than the playful one you experienced during exploration.
- Types of Systems
- Integrating Technologies for Systems
- Need for Systems Analysis and Design
- Roles of the Systems Analyst
- The Systems Development Life Cycle
- Using Computer-Aided Software Engineering (CASE) Tools
- The Agile Approach
- Object-Oriented Systems Analysis and Design & Choosing Which Systems Development Method to Use