Utilities are components that provide different features such as data reliability, data definition, and statistics maintenance functions. The following utilities are described next:
- bcp
- sqlcmd
- sqlservr
Following the description of these utilities, the DBCC command is described.
bcp Utility
bcp (Bulk Copy Program) is a useful utility that copies database data to/from a data file. Therefore, bcp is often used to transfer a large amount of data into a Database Engine database from another relational DBMS using a text file, or vice versa.
The syntax of the bcp utility is
bcp [[db_name.]schema_name.]table_name {IN | OUT | QUERYOUT | FORMAT}
file_name [{–option parameter} …]
Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)
db_name is the name of the database to which the table (table_name) belongs. IN or OUT specifies the direction of data transfer. The IN option copies data from the file_name file into the table_name table, and the OUT option copies rows from the table_name table into the file_name file. The FORMAT option creates a format file based on the options specified. If this option is used, the option –f must also be used.
Data can be copied as either SQL Server–specific text or ASCII text. Copying data as SQL Server–specific text is referred to as working in native mode, whereas copying data as ASCII text is referred to as working in character mode. The parameter –n specifies native mode, and the parameter –c specifies character mode. Native mode is used to export and import data from one system managed by the Database Engine to another system managed by the Database Engine, and character mode is commonly used to transfer data between a Database Engine instance and other database systems.
Example 15.3 shows the use of the bcp utility. (You have to execute this statement from a command line of your Windows operating system.)
Example 15.3
bcp AdventureWorks.Person.Address out "address.txt" –T –c
Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)
The bcp command in Example 15.3 exports the data from the address table of the AdventureWorks database in the output file address.txt. The option –T specifies that the trusted connection is used. (Trusted connection means that the system uses integrated security instead of the SQL Server authentication.) The option –c specifies character mode; thus, the data is stored in the ASCII file.
Note – Be aware that the BULK INSERT statement is an alternative to bcp. It supports all of the bcp options (although the syntax is a bit different) and offers much greater performance. BULK INSERT is described in Chapter “Modification of a Table’s Contents”.
To import data from a file to a database table, you must have INSERT and SELECT permissions on the table. To export data from a table to a file, you must have SELECT permission on the table.
sqlcmd Utility
sqlcmd allows you to enter Transact-SQL statements, system procedures, and script files at the command prompt. The general form of this utility is
sqlcmd {option [parameter]} …
Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)
where option is the specific option of the utility, and parameter specifies the value of the defined option. The sqlcmd utility has many options, the most important of which are described in Table 15-2.
Example 15.4 shows the use of sqlcmd.
Example 15.4
sqlcmd –S NTB11901 –i C:\ms0510.sql –o C:\ms0510.rpt
Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)
Table 15-2 – Most Important Options of the sqlcmd Utility
Option | Description |
–S server_name[\instance_name] | Specifies the name of the database server and the instance to which the connection is made. If this option is omitted, the connection is made to the database server set with the environment variable SQLSERVER. If this environment variable is not set, the connection is established to the local machine. |
–U login_id | Specifies the SQL Server login. If this option is omitted, the value of the environment variable SQLCMDUSER is used. |
–P password | Specifies a password corresponding to the login. If neither the –U option nor the –P option is specified, sqlcmd attempts to connect by using Windows authentication mode. Authentication is based on the account of the user who is running sqlcmd. |
–c command_end | Specifies the batch terminator. (The default value is GO.) This option can be used to set the command terminator to a semicolon (;), which is the default terminator for almost all other database systems. |
–i input_fil | Specifies the name of the file that contains a batch or a stored procedure. The file must contain (at least one) command terminator. The sign < can be used instead of –i. |
–o output_file | Specifies the name of the file that receives the result from the utility. The sign > can be used instead of –o. |
–E | Uses a trusted connection (see Chapter “Security System of the Database Engine”) instead of requesting a password. |
–A | Starts the dedicated administrator connection (DAC), which is described following this table. |
–L | Shows a list of all database instances found on the network. |
–t seconds | Specifies the number of seconds. The time interval defines how long the utility should wait before it considers the connection to the server to be a failure. |
–? | Specifies a standard request for all options of the sqlcmd utility. |
–d | dbname Specifies which database should be the current database when sqlcmd is started. |
In Example 15.4, a user of the database system named NTB11900 executes the batch stored in the file ms0510.sql and stores the result in the output file ms0510.rpt. Depending on the authentication mode, the system prompts for the username and password (SQL Server authentication) or just executes the statement (Windows authentication).
One of the most important options of the sqlcmd utility is the –A option. As you already know from Table 15-2, this option allows you to start a dedicated administration connection (DAC) to an instance of the Database Engine. Usually, you make the connection to an instance of the Database Engine with SQL Server Management Studio. But, there are certain extraordinary situations in which users cannot connect to the instance. In that case, the use of the DAC can help.
Table 15-3 Most Important Commands of the sqlcmd Utility
Command | Description |
:ED | Starts the text editor. This editor can be used to edit the current batch or the last executed batch. The editor is defined by the SQLCMDEDITOR environment variable. For instance, if you want to set the text editor to Microsoft WordPad, type SET SQLCMDEDITOR=wordpad. |
:!! | Executes operating system commands. For example, :!! dir lists all files and directories in the current directory. |
:r filename | Parses additional Transact-SQL statements and sqlcmd commands from the file specified by filename into the statement cache. It is possible to issue multiple :r commands. Hence, you can use this command to chain scripts with the sqlcmd utility. |
:List | Prints the content of the statement cache. |
:QUIT | Ends the session started by sqlcmd. |
:EXIT [(statement)] | Allows you to use the result of a SELECT statement as the return value from sqlcmd. |
DAC is a special connection that can be used by DBAs in case of extreme server resource depletion. Even when there are not enough resources for other users to connect, the Database Engine will attempt to free resources for the DAC. That way, administrators can troubleshoot problems on an instance, without having to take down that instance.
The sqlcmd utility supports several specific commands that can be used within the utility, in addition to Transact-SQL statements. Table 15-3 describes the most important commands of the sqlcmd utility.
Example 15.5 shows the use of the exit command of the sqlcmd utility.
Example 15.5
1>USE sample;
2>SELECT * FROM project
3>:EXIT(SELECT @@rowcount)
Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)
This example displays all rows from the project table and the number 3, if the project table contains three rows.
sqlservr Utility
The most convenient way to start an instance of the Database Engine is automatically with the boot process of the computer. However, certain circumstances might require different handling of the system. Therefore, the Database Engine offers, among others, the sqlservr utility for starting an instance.
The sqlservr utility is invoked using the following command:
sqlservr option_list
Code language: SQL (Structured Query Language) (sql)
contains all options that can be invoked using the application. Table 15-4 describes the most important options.
Option | Description |
–f | Indicates that the instance is started with the minimal configuration. |
–m | Indicates that the instance is started in single-user mode. Use this option if you have problems with the system and want to perform maintenance on it (this option must be used to restore the master database). |
–s instance_name | Specifies the instance of the Database Engine. If no named instance is specified, sqlservr starts the default instance of the Database Engine. |